Published : 27/11/2019 08:00:00
Categories : MC2patterns

To find out the AMOUNT for a particular FABRIC in your size, we suggest taking your pattern to the fabric shop – their assistants are always happy to help. This way is especially practical for fabrics with pile direction or patterns to match.

Our patterns come with a laymarker for ONE size (often UK16/US12) and ONE fabric width (140-150cm/55-59inch).
These laymarkers would suit you if your fabric-width is the same and your size is the same or smaller.

Otherwise, do it yourself:
- stretch a flat bed-sheet on a table or floor;
- fold it to the width of the material you plan to use;
- arrange ALL pattern pieces paying attention to the grainline desired-directions and seam allowances;
- measure the length you have got.

This process is part of your project fun - enjoy!))

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