Published : 04/12/2019 08:00:00
Categories : MC2patterns

It is traditionally believed that linen fabric is easy to handle. Compared to other options, this seems to be true. But if you want the linen thing to turn out to be of high quality, you need to take into account all the features of this textile.

  • Before you buy linen, keep in mind that when washing it will give about 10-15% shrinkage, so it is recommended to take more material than originally calculated: about 10-15%. When cut, edges may fray, so the edges are best finished using an overlock or zigzag stitching.

  • Before proceeding directly to work, the fabric must be wetted to eliminate the risk of subsequent shrinkage of the clothes after washing. The best option is to soak the material in a basin with water at room temperature. This provides instant absorption, and also allows you to check for colour fading. Remember that you should not squeeze the linen: just  gently hang it to drain so that the moisture goes away naturally. A slightly damp linen cloth might be ironed with a hot iron.

  • After that, you can safely proceed to the cutting. For a simple style, you can do without basting. It is enough to pin the pattern pieces to the fabric. If the purchased material has a mesh-like structure, then give preference to loose styles, as a tight garment might go apart at the seams. Remember that edges meant for a zipper insert must be reinforced with fusible interlining first.

Note that things sewn from linen are subject to stretching and other deformations during wear, but do not worry. They instantly restore shape after washing.

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